Saturday, March 17, 2012


BUILDINGS DOODLED, a photo by Louise001 on Flickr.


I was just doodling around today...about all I am capable of right now....:)

I had a strange accident last Monday late afternoon. I was eating an apple and inhaled a piece of it into my windpipe and I coughed so hard to get it out that suddenly something POPPED in my forehead like a gunshot inside my head...immediately I had the worst headache of my life.... after a few minutes it got a little better, but I could hardly move my head the pain was so intense. I was concerned about a stroke...although I checked myself and had no symptoms....but my daughter took me to the ER where they did a Catscan to check for bleeding in the brain or stroke etc. I was OK....and the headache was lessening...but it has been hanging on for the week and today was the first day I was able to not have to use pain medication.

Needless to say I have not felt like I just Doodled...:)
I used Watercolor, Ink, and Picasa editing for this.
I know my buildings are leaning a bit...but so am I...;)...;)...:D

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