Sunday, January 15, 2012


MY JERSEY COW EYE by Louise001
MY JERSEY COW EYE, a photo by Louise001 on Flickr.

I found myself thinking about the eye of a Jersey cow today.
They have a brown eye that has a soft gentleness to it...unless something is causing them to be fearful.
They are generally a very gentle breed.
I was raised on a Registered Jersey Dairy and came to know them quite well.
We were milking a herd of 60-70 cows twice a day. We also had another 30 or so that were young heifers or calves and some cows who were dry and waiting to give birth.
Each cow had a unique personality. Some were characters and some I favored.
I particularly remember Frances who was a huge dark colored Jersey. She could be very stubborn and ornery at times.
I never will forget when she calved in the far field and grandpa went to fetch the calf.
Frances wasn't having any of it!
She charged my grandpa and ran him up a nearby Walnut tree.
Something unheard of to my seven year old mind.
Grandpa did not like hearing the story, but it was told many times in my family....:)
If you are old enough you might remember a famous Jersey named Elsie The Borden Cow.

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